CompTIA Aplus A+ Practical Application Curriculum Outline
A+ Practical Application 2009: Personal Computer Components
Overview/DescriptionThe IT industry has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, but the backbone of the industry has always remained the computers themselves. This course looks at the components that make up personal computers and shows you how they all work in unison. It explores such components as motherboards, power supplies, storage devices, central processing units, adapter cards, and a variety of memory types. The course is part of the preparation for the CompTIA A+ 220-702 Practical Application exam which is half of the requirement necessary to acquire the CompTIA A+ certification.
Target AudienceIndividuals undertaking the A+ certification track and companies that need technical staff trained in the A+ exam track
PrerequisitesComputer technicians who have accumulated 500 hours hand-on experience in a lab or in the field and, ideally, have completed the “A+ Essentials” exam (220-701)
Expected Duration (hours)1.5
Lesson Objectives A+ Practical Application 2009: Personal Computer Components
Recognize the functions of motherboard components Recognize how storage devices are configured Recognize key characteristics of power supplies Recognize how the motherboard is configured Recognize how storage devices are configured Recognize key characteristics of processors Recognize key characteristics of memory Recognize how computers are kept from overheating Recognize key characteristics of adapter cards Recognize how processors are configured Recognize how adapter cards are used Course Number:
cs_apit_a01_it_enus Back to ListA+ Practical Application 2009: Troubleshooting Hardware
Overview/DescriptionWithin all industries, computer technicians are expected to locate and resolve issues ranging from hardware failure to operating system problems. In this course, the learner will be shown how to troubleshoot various computer components, such as motherboards, storage devices, power supplies, memory, and adapter cards. The course also explores troubleshooting techniques used to resolve laptop and printer problems. This course is part of the preparation for the CompTIA A+ 220-702 Practical Application exam which is half of the requirement necessary to acquire the CompTIA A+ certification.
Target AudienceIndividuals undertaking the A+ certification track and companies that need technical staff trained in the A+ exam track.
PrerequisitesComputer technicians who have accumulated 500 hours hand-on experience in a lab or in the field and, ideally, have completed the “A+ Essentials” exam (220-701)
Expected Duration (hours)2.0
Lesson Objectives A+ Practical Application 2009: Troubleshooting Hardware
Recognize how to troubleshoot motherboard components Recognize the uses of motherboard troubleshooting tools Recognize how to troubleshoot storage devices Recognize how to troubleshoot power supplies Recognize how to troubleshoot processors Recognize how to replace processors Recognize how to troubleshoot memory Recognize how to troubleshoot adapter cards Recognize how to troubleshoot a motherboard Recognize how to troubleshoot storage devices Recognize how to troubleshoot a processor Recognize how to troubleshoot laptops Recognize how to troubleshoot printers Recognize how to troubleshoot laptops Recognize how to troubleshoot printers Course Number:
cs_apit_a02_it_enus Back to ListA+ Practical Application 2009: Maintaining Networks
Overview/DescriptionUnderstanding the methods that computers and network devices use to talk to one another is essential knowledge for IT technicians to have in order to configure and troubleshoot networked environments. This course examines TCP/IP, connectivity and networking issues, connection types, router and firewall configurations, and small office or home office (SOHO) configurations. It also explores troubleshooting network issues using a series of command line tools such as NET, PING, and TRACERT. This course is part of the preparation for the CompTIA A+ 220-702 Practical Application exam which is half of the requirement necessary to acquire the CompTIA A+ certification.
Target AudienceIndividuals undertaking the A+ certification track and companies that need technical staff trained in the A+ exam track
PrerequisitesComputer technicians who have accumulated 500 hours hand-on experience in a lab or in the field and, ideally, have completed the “A+ Essentials” exam (220-701)
Expected Duration (hours)1.5
Lesson Objectives A+ Practical Application 2009: Maintaining Networks
Recognize key characteristics of TCP/IP configuration and troubleshooting Recognize key characteristics of the e-mail process and troubleshooting Recognize ways to troubleshoot FTP issues Configure proxy settings on a Windows computer Distinguish between tools used to troubleshoot client-side connectivity issues Recognize how HTTP communication is secured through HTTPS and SSL Troubleshoot firewall issues Configure proxy settings on a Windows computer Troubleshoot firewall issues Recognize key characteristics of network connection types Configure IP information on Vista clients Configure a wireless connection Recognize the basic characteristics of how to configure home routers Recognize the basic characteristics of Bluetooth technology Recognize the basic characteristics of cellular networking Assign a port in Windows Firewall Configure a SOHO Course Number:
cs_apit_a04_it_enus Back to ListA+ Practical Application 2009: Security
Overview/DescriptionPreventing, treating, and removing malware and system security threats are necessary skills for IT technicians. This course examines methods used to deal with viruses and malware, along with measures used to implement resource security on operating systems and networks. This course is part of the preparation for the CompTIA A+ 220-702 exam which is half of the requirement necessary to acquire the CompTIA A+ certification.
Target AudienceIndividuals undertaking the A+ certification track and companies that need technical staff trained in the A+ exam track.
PrerequisitesComputer technicians who have accumulated 500 hours hand-on experience in a lab or in the field and, ideally, have completed the “A+ Essentials” exam (220-701)
Expected Duration (hours)1.0
Lesson Objectives A+ Practical Application 2009: Security
Recognize ways to combat viruses and malware Use Windows Defender to scan for malware Secure operating systems Recognize key characteristics of BIOS security Scan a computer for spyware Change share permissions Encrypt a folder Course Number:
cs_apit_a05_it_enus Back to ListA+ Practical Application 2009: Maintaining Operating Systems (Windows 7 update)
Overview/DescriptionThere are a variety of hardware and software resources a technician can use to troubleshoot Windows operating system issues. This course examines the commands, disk management tools, system utilities, and error messages commonly used to resolve such problems. This course is part of the preparation for the CompTIA A+ 220-702 Practical Application exam which is half of the requirement necessary to acquire the CompTIA A+ certification.
Target AudienceIndividuals undertaking the A+ certification track and companies that need technical staff trained in the A+ exam track.
PrerequisitesComputer technicians who have accumulated 500 hours hand-on experience in a lab or in the field and, ideally, have completed the A+ Essentials exam (220-701)
Expected Duration (hours)3.0
Lesson Objectives A+ Practical Application 2009: Maintaining Operating Systems (Windows 7 update)
Use disk management commands Use system management commands Use file management commands Use folder management commands Use the DEFRAG and NTBACKUP disk management commands Convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk using the Disk Management tool Create a mounted drive Recognize the functions of key administration tools Use Performance Monitor to monitor a system Use the Services console to configure services Set system tasks Use management and troubleshooting commands Perform disk management tasks Use system utilities Recognize how User Account Control works Recognize key differences between Windows 2000, XP, and Vista OS directory structures Recognize how to resolve common startup errors Recognize how to resolve common operational issues Resolve auto-restart errors Recognize how to optimize system performance Recognize the functions of the Windows 7 performance tools Create power plans Resolve startup problems Resolve operational problems Resolve auto-restart errors Create a power plan Course Number:
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